How To Turn Off Mykey Ford Focus
How to turn off MyKey Ford Focus is a common question among owners who find themselves frustrated by the restrictions imposed by this feature. MyKey is designed to promote safe driving habits by limiting vehicle speed, audio volume, and other settings, but it can be an annoyance if you accidentally activate it or buy a used Focus with MyKey already enabled. Luckily, turning off MyKey is a straightforward process in most cases.

How To Turn Off Mykey On A Ford Focus
The process how to turn off mykey in ford focus is fairly straightforward if you have two programmed keys, also known as the admin keys:
- Get in your Focus with an admin key and turn on the ignition.
- Press the Setup or Menu button on your steering wheel until you see Settings. Press OK.
- Scroll to MyKey and press OK.
- Select Clear MyKey and press OK. The screen should display “All MyKeys Cleared”.
- You’ve now successfully used the admin key to turn off MyKey in your Ford Focus!
If you don’t see the Clear MyKey option, then the key you’re using is not an admin key. You’ll need to get a second programmed key from a Ford dealer to turn off MyKey on your Focus.
How Do I Get Rid Of Mykey On My Ford Focus?
Getting rid of MyKey on your Focus involves clearing the feature using the admin key as described above. If you only have one key and it’s not an admin key, you have a few options to get rid of MyKey on your Ford Focus:
Visit a Ford dealer and have them program you an additional admin key. This will allow you to clear MyKey yourself. Expect to pay $50-$100 for a new key and programming.
Ask the dealer to reset MyKey for you. They should be able to do this even if you only have one key. The cost is usually around $50-75.
Try using a tool like FORScan or FoCCCus to reset MyKey yourself via the OBD2 port. This requires some technical knowledge and isn’t guaranteed to work on all Focuses.
Whichever route you choose, you can get rid of MyKey on your Ford Focus and remove the restrictions. Just be aware that you’ll need to take extra steps if your one key isn’t recognized as an admin key.

Can You Turn Off Mykey Without The Admin Key?
In most cases, you can’t turn off MyKey on a Ford Focus without having an admin key. That’s because MyKey is designed as a safety feature that can only be controlled by someone with full privileges (like a parent).
However, some people have had success resetting MyKey using an OBD tool like FORscan on certain model years. This basically lets you access engineering mode and manually turn off MyKey without the admin key on your Focus. Be aware this doesn’t always work though, so the dealer is still the most reliable option to turn off MyKey if you don’t have the admin key.
Why Can’t I Turn Off Mykey?
There are a few reasons why you might be having trouble trying to turn off MyKey on your Ford Focus:
You’re using your only key but it’s not an admin key. The MyKey settings can only be changed with an admin key. Your regular key can drive the car but it can’t clear MyKey.
Your Focus is a 2012 or earlier model. On these vehicles, you actually need TWO admin keys to reset MyKey. With only one key, the MyKey menu won’t even show the Clear MyKey option.
There’s an issue with your car’s computer system. A blown fuse, bad wiring, or MyKey programming bug could be preventing you from clearing it with the admin key.
If you can’t figure out why you’re unable to turn off MyKey on your Focus, a trip to the Ford dealer is your best bet for troubleshooting help. They deal with MyKey all the time and can quickly identify why you can’t get it disabled.

What is The Mykey Admin Key On A Ford Focus?
The admin key, also known as the master key, is the key that was first used to set up MyKey. It has full privileges to turn MyKey features on and off. Any additional keys that are programmed after MyKey is activated are considered “MyKeys” and they have the driving restrictions applied to them.
There’s no visible difference between an admin key and MyKey on your Focus keychain. The easiest way to tell is to hop in your car with each key and see if the MyKey clear option shows up in the settings menu. If it does, that’s your admin key to turn off MyKey in your Ford Focus.
When you buy a used Focus, it likely just comes with whatever keys the previous owner had, which may or may not include the admin key. If your car is missing the admin key, a locksmith or dealer can usually cut and program you a new admin key so you can turn off MyKey on your Focus.
How To Turn Off Mykey On A Ford Focus 2012
The process how to turn off mykey ford focus 2012 is a little different than on later models. That’s because it requires two admin keys instead of one. If you only have a single key for your 2012 Focus, you likely won’t be able to clear MyKey on your own.
To disable MyKey on a 2012 Focus, get in the car with one admin key and go to the MyKey menu under Settings. Then get out and swap to the second admin key. The “Clear MyKey” option should now be selectable, allowing you to turn off MyKey on your 2012 Ford Focus.
Without that second admin key, your only option is to have the dealer reset MyKey for you. Expect to pay $50-100 for this service to turn off MyKey on a Ford Focus 2012 model.

How To Turn Off Mykey On A Ford Focus 2014
How to turn off mykey ford focus 2014 is more straightforward than on earlier years. As long as you have a single admin key, you can clear it yourself in a few simple steps:
- Get in your 2014 Focus and turn the ignition on with the admin key.
- Press the Menu or Setup button on the steering wheel to access Settings.
- Go to the MyKey menu and look for the “Clear MyKey” option.
- Select Clear MyKey and press OK to turn off MyKey on your 2014 Ford Focus.
If the clear option is greyed out or missing, then you don’t have an admin key. You’ll need to get a new admin key cut and programmed by your local Ford dealer to turn off MyKey on a Focus 2014 or later model year.
How To Turn Mykey Off On A Ford Focus
To recap, here’s a quick guide on how to turn off mykey Ford Focus based on your situation:
If you have an admin key (2013+):
- Use the admin key to access the car’s MyKey settings menu
- Select the “Clear MyKey” option
- Press OK to confirm and turn MyKey off on your Focus
If you have two admin keys (2012 and earlier):
- Use one admin key to access the MyKey menu
- Exit the car and re-enter with the second admin key
- Select “Clear MyKey” and press OK to turn off MyKey on your Focus
If you only have one key and it’s not an admin:
- Visit your Ford dealer for help
- Have them cut and program you a second admin key ($50-100)
- Ask them to clear MyKey for you while you’re there ($50-75)
- Attempt to reset it yourself using FORscan or similar (not guaranteed)
No matter what year your Focus is or how many keys you have, there is always a way to turn off MyKey and get rid of the Ford Focus MyKey speed limit and other restrictions. You just need to use the right method for your specific situation to turn MyKey off on your Ford Focus successfully.

Final Thought
Learning how to turn off mykey ford focus is a straightforward process once you know the steps. Whether you have an admin key or need to visit a dealer for assistance, you can regain full control over your car’s features. Just remember, if you’re the one who enabled MyKey, it’s there for a reason. Make sure you trust any other drivers with an unrestricted vehicle before you turn off MyKey on your Ford Focus.